Welcome to your safe space to awaken within


Deepen the connection to yourself through stillness, internal self-regulation and nervous system regulation.

Through inward observation in the practice of Yoga, Nidra, Meditation and Sound Healing, create a dialogue within yourself first for greater self-awareness.

to awaken

Expand the knowledge of yourself through astrology, human design and numerology.

Through a reading, learn about the cosmic gifts you were encoded with at the time of your birth to put language to what you’ve always felt all your life.


Cultivate trust in yourself through acceptance and embodiment of your cosmic gifts.

Through customized embodied astrology/human design somatic practices and integration coaching calls, begin to truly LIVE in your soul’s authentic design every day from the inside out. Heal the wounds of conditioning and attract more alignment, abundance and ease.

Ashley Nguyen, the founder of Awake In Wellness, is an RYT-200 Yoga & Meditation Teacher and Astrology and Human Design Guide. As your guide to awaken within, she uniquely infuses wellness practices with self-discovery by using astrology & human design to embody & empower you to live in your truth as the soul you came into this life to be.

After feeling lost in her identity while starting a corporate job, surrounded by the pressures and conditioning of her Asian American upbringing in an immigrant household, she turned to yoga, meditation, astrology, and human design to rediscover her true Self.

Leaning into her wisdom within has propelled her to pursue dreams outside of what she "thought" life should look like. Discovering more empowerment, joy and ease living in flow with her soul's nature instead of against it. Because these shifts have changed her life so deeply, she is passionate about guiding others to their most authentic alignment through the transformative practice of stillness and knowledge of your cosmic gifts.

Ashley guides you to embody your soul's gifts and empower your inner authority by…

☼ Deepening connection to Self through stillness, internal self-regulation and nervous system regulation (Wellness)

☼ Expanding knowledge of Self through astrology, human design and numerology (Awaken)

☼ Cultivating trust in Self through acceptance and embodiment of your cosmic gifts (Within)

Awake In Wellness is your safe space to awaken within through

☾ Self-Discovery readings

☾ Astrology/Human Design integration coaching sessions

☾ Guided cosmic embodiment through yoga, yoga nidra, meditation and sound healing


Mindful in Minutes

Meditation Mama

Shoutout Colorado


The Ally Show

Nourishing Energy Acupuncture

Mindful in Minutes • Meditation Mama • Shoutout Colorado • WePause • The Ally Show • Nourishing Energy Acupuncture •


Enjoy free yoga nidra practices, intentional meditations and tips that you can incorporate into your everyday life like habit shifts, mindset changes, astrology, manifestation, human design, self awareness to deepen your connection to your highest Self. Available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Free Astrology Resources